• Polish Stir Fry

    September 21, 2019thetipsyhousewife

    Easy Meal, Ethnic Twist This Polish Stir Fry is not a traditional Polish meal but you can make it with traditional Polish ingredients. You can imagine it kind of like the Polish version of Chinese takeout! It is a quick and easy meal that still has a lot to offer. It’s got garlicky Polish Sausage, sautéed mushrooms, and delicious fried pierogi in butter. What else do you need? This will be a great weeknight meal. Can’t Take The Heat I feel like I am going to get a lot of comments about this recipe because it is not an authentic…

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  • Making The Perfect, NO MESS, BLT Sandwich

    May 22, 2018thetipsyhousewife

    I have spent many years working in all sorts of kitchens. Because of this I know many tips and cooking hacks. One of the best tips I was taught was how to cook bacon in your oven. Bacon can be tricky for even the best cooks. Anyone who has braved the continental breakfast bar knows the gamble you take when you approach the bacon tin. Sometimes it’s so overdone it could only be eaten crumbled over a baked potato. Other times it’s so chewy, you can’t eat it without worrying about the stomach ache you’ll be suffering later. Plus the…

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  • Grocery Store Guru ~ Tipsy’s Guide To Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping

    March 7, 2018thetipsyhousewife

    I am one of those people who has always loved to work. At any given time I have had anywhere from two to four jobs.  I have had three major careers in my life, paired with countless part-time jobs.  I am really good at making money and my Grandma will tell you I am also really good at spending it! Included in this long list of jobs are two stints at two different grocery stores. One being Jewel, a job a loved, and the other being at a store that rhymes with Schmole Doods, that I DESPISED!  Overall, working in…

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