Chicken Caesar Cutlets

June 11, 2024thetipsyhousewife

A Fresh & Zesty Warm Weather Meal

Chicken Caesar Cutlets are a perfect warm weather meal. Crispy chicken cutlets on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. Topped with crisp romaine lettuce and the perfect homemade dressing that is both salty and creamy. A delicious meal.

One of the perks of this meal is that you can make this all ahead of time and reheat the chicken. This is a quick and easy meal. It especially works for families that eat at all different times.

You can also make a salad out of this meal if you prefer another way to eat this.

Additionally , this makes a great sandwich or a wrap!

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There is a full, printable recipe card at the end of this post. You can also hit the print button for the recipe to come up on one screen. From there you can screen shot this to save it to your phone.

I also have added a Pinterest button that you can use to save this recipe to your Pinterest page. If you would like to follow me on Pinterest, you can find me there as The Tipsy Housewife.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Breading chicken can seem intimidating to people. This method of cooking does not have to be. Set yourself up an organized breading station and it will be a breeze.

As you can see, I flattened the chicken into thinner, smaller pieces. It is totally fine if every piece is not the same time. Just be sure to adjust your cooking time.

Butter and Oil

You will see in the recipe that I use butter and oil in this recipe. I like to use olive oil, but the smoke point is not very high. This means that at high heat, the oil becomes toxic and has a acrid taste. I add the butter to help temper the oil. This also adds a really great flavor to these cutlets.


You do not want to overcrowd your pan when frying. You also want to make sure that once you add several pieces and they start frying, that you do not add another piece. The cold pieces will cool the oil and will make the pieces that have already been cooking, be greasy. It is best to work in batches.

Perfectly breaded chicken.

Worcestershire Powder

This is a newer to me ingredient that I have ben trying out in a few recipes. I am a big fan of the flavor of Worcestershire Sauce but in some instances with cooking, I do not want the excess liquid of the sauce. I also have been finding out that I love using this to make my own bloody mary mix! It adds great flavor and texture to a bloody mary. I loved it in this recipe for Mediterranean Inspired Hamburger Pitas with Peppers and Onions because it sort of bound the meat together slightly making a bit of a gravy which tasted delicious.

This ingredient is ideal for making the croutons in this salad because using liquid Worcestershire sauce makes the bread too soggy and it does not crisp up as well in the oven. I also like the texture that it gives to the dressing.

Where To Buy

I buy this Worcestershire Sauce Powder on Amazon. It is $11.99 for a decent sized bag. This is an Amazon affiliate link, meaning Amazon pays me a small commission if you use the link. This powder will last forever. I have a few recipes coming up where i use this, so it won’t go to waste if you buy it.

My New Favorite Ingredient

I recently discovered this lemon powder when I got on a smoothie kick. I was looking for something to boost my vitamin C. I also wanted to add it to water. I liked the way it dissolved and the intense flavor it added, so I started using it to make some salad dressings and marinades. It is more reliable then the lemons I get fresh from the store. The flavor is consistent and it is much easier to measure.

Another Amazon Find

I got this on Amazon. It is 100% Natural Lemon Powder. I linked it there on my Amazon shop. I do get a small commission from Amazon if you use that Affiliate Link. This costs you nothing extra.

plate with romaine lettuce, homemade bread croutons, homemade dressing and a tray of croutons behind the plate

Caesar Lovers

If you love this recipe, you will really love my Caesar Salad Recipe. It uses a lot of the same ingredients as this recipe. You make the most delicious croutons with this recipe.

I also have a very delicious Caesar Pasta Salad that you will love.

Bread Crumbs

Pictured above are the bread crumbs I use. You can find these anywhere. You can also use any bread crumbs you like. You can also make your own!

Yield: 6 servings approximately

Chicken Caesar Cutlets

Chicken Caesar Cutlets

Chicken Caesar Cutlets are a perfect warm weather meal. Crispy chicken cutlets on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. Topped with crisp romaine lettuce and the perfect homemade dressing that is both salty and creamy. A delicious meal.


  • For The Cutlets
  • 2 to 3 large boneless chicken breasts, approximately 2 lbs of chicken
  • 4 cups of seasoned Italian bread crumbs
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (or whatever frying oil you use)
  • 5 tablespoons of salted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Black Pepper
  • Coarse Salt
  • 1 Lemon
  • For The Dressing
  • 1.5 Cups of Mayo
  • 1 tablespoon of grainy mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Worcestershire powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon of minced garlic
  • 1/2 tablespoon of dried parsley
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 3 stalks of crisp romaine lettuce
  • Fresh Parmesan cheese
  • *pictures of products I use with links, in the post, before the recipe card.


  1. To make the cutlets, place the chicken breasts inside a ziploc bag, or in between some plastic wrap. Using a meat mallet or the side of a heavy can of soup or vegetable, pound out the chicken breast until its flattened. I make these about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch thick. It is ok if the chicken breaks apart a little bit. Work in batches.
  2. Remove the chicken and trim into smaller, more manageable pieces. I end up having about 6 to 8 pieces of chicken.
  3. Prepare three dishes for breading and a baking sheet to put the breaded chicken on to work with. I cover my baking sheet with foil.
  4. In one dish whisk the eggs and milk, in another dish add the bread crumbs. In one dish have the chicken.
  5. Dip the breasts into the egg mix and get them really well coated, then into the bread crumbs, make sure the chicken is well coated. Set aside on plate.
  6. Prepare a skillet with the olive oil and the butter, let this get very hot but not smoking.
  7. Add your chicken a few pieces at a time. Work in batches. IF you add a few pieces of chicken and they start frying, do not add an extra piece, at the same time, as adding a cold piece will cool the oil and the ones that have been cooking will start to absorb the oil.
  8. Fry the chicken for about 5 to 7 minutes on one side, flip and fry on the other side. All pans and stoves will cook differently. This cook time is a suggestion. It will also make a difference how thick your chicken is. My pieces cooked fully in this time. You can use a meat thermometer to make sure they are done. Work in batches and remove the chicken as it cooks to the baking sheet. Add a squueze of lemon as it comes out of the pan. *if you have thicker chicken and you see the chicken breading getting too dark, you can remove the chicken, place the chicken on the baking sheet and place the pieces in a 375 degree oven to finish cooking.
  9. To make the dressing, To make the dressing, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk until very well combined. Place into a bowl or salad dressing container and refrigerate for one hour before serving. You can start by using a little of the ingredients at a time, taste and add more. The lemon powder is very strong, use sparingly. You can make the dressing and serve immediately, but it does taste better after it sits for a bit.
  10. To serve the chicken, sprinkle with the grated parmesan, black pepper and a pinch of salt. Top with chopped romaine, drizzle with the dressing and add some fresh parm. You an also add more black pepper.

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